Aren't those neat? Just Google diversion safe and then hit images and you'll see what I mean. The most common things to be stolen by a burglar when entering your home are cash, electronic equipment, gold, silver, jewelry and guns. The easier and smaller to move the better. A burglar is also most likely to enter your home through the front door or other door and the first floor window. Don't think it can't happen to you. I live in a small tight knit quiet town in the south and even we have burglaries. The burglar is also going to be (most likely) in his mid to late teens, not a professional. The odds are definitely in your favor when speaking of the chances that he's going to recognize a diversion safe on sight.
Burglars are also going to grab the easiest targets so leaving a jar of change in plain sight is a good way to get him to grab that and go, quickly. The average thief isn't going to spend long looking through your house for stuff so the best thing you can do is have an item (like a small jar of change) lying out in plain sight for easy grabs and hide anything of value like the above mentioned items. Remember, they're in and out quickly to try to avoid getting caught.
I wanted a diversion safe to protect my savings and jewelry from thieves but I don't have ten of fifteen dollars that I can just throw down on something that I could very easily make. So, I decided to make one myself. Here's the finished project, can you tell which one is fake? Nope, I didn't think so!

The first thing I did was remove the label and lid off of a jar of Alfredo after I was finished cooking with it. Then I washed it out very well and dried it. Be careful removing your label so that it goes back on easily. Once dried I put the first coat of paint on, which was kind of streaky, and very obviously paint. I wasn't discouraged though. After the first coat dried I put on another and came up with this:
It was starting to look awesome. I then took some tacky glue and glued my label back on. Once that was dried I screwed back on my lid and placed it in the cabinet to get a good look at it. It doesn't appear to be empty at all- it appears to be a jar of Alfredo, and I love it. The best part is that I didn't really pay anything for it.
More Diversion Safes:

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