Bath time is a big deal at my house, the kids are definitely in love with water. When Tobers was still little I found some little tablets that changed the water different colors without staining our tub at walmart. I also bought them some bath crayons. Those didn't work out too well because of their age at the time. They spent more time eating the crayons than coloring on the wall. However, to make them even more comfortable with the move, I've decided to go back to that type of thing and I've begun looking up recipes for the same type of stuff I used back then. I'm thinking that the more fun they have the more comfortable they'll be and we actually have space to move around now. So here are some of the recipes I'm going to try if you'd like to try them with me!
Homemade Bubble Bath:
- 750ml/3 cups of liquid Castille soap
- 15g/2 tbsp fine sugar ( confectioners or caster)
- 20g/ 4 tbsp glycerin (vegetable)
- optional: 1 level tsp of beet powder to make it pink, turmeric to make it yellow, or woad to make it purple
- essential oils for sent (optional)
- glass, ceramic or metal mixing bowl
- large bottle
- a funnel
Jelly Bubble Bath -NOT EDIBLE:
- Packet unflavored Gelatin
- 3/4 Cup water
- 1/2 Cup clear liquid soap or bubble bath
- Fragrance oils (optional)
- Food Coloring of your choice
- Plastic jar with lid (you can use a cleaned out empty peanut butter jar)
- Mixing Bowl
Empty the packet of gelatin into a mixing bowl. Set aside.
Warm water until it begins to boil. Immediately remove water from heat source. Carefully pour the hot water into mixing bowl and gently mix with gelatin powder. Allow gelatin to completely dissolve. Be patient! This may take a few minutes.
Very SLOWLY and gently stir in the liquid soap to the gelatin mixture. Add a drop of food coloring and 5-8 drops of fragrance oil. (Be careful not to beat mixture, bath jelly will become foamy if you do.)
Pour your bath jelly into a clean, clear container.
Refrigerate Bubble Jelly until set (about 4 hours).
To use, scoop a small amount of jelly into your hand and hold under warm running water for a bubbly bath-time treat!
Body Glitter:
Tobi loves this stuff. Just mix aloe vera gel and glitter, rub on with fingers.
Bathtub Crayons:
- Clear glycerin soap base cut into cubes
- 3 or more soap color dyes (or food color dyes)
- Essential oils in your favorite smells (optional)
- Glass measuring cup for melting soap
- Spoons for mixing colors and fragrances
- Ice cube trays or round crayon molds
Have the children place the soap cube for the first color in a glass measuring cup and melt in microwave in short bursts.
Once melted, have the children add soap color a drop at a time, mixing well after each drop until you get the color right.
Then, add a couple of drops of essential oils and mix well.
Next, have the children carefully pour the color soap into ice cube trays.
If you see any air bubbles on the surface of the soap, spray it with rubbing alcohol.
Have the children repeat the same soap crayon making process with the rest of the colors.
After that, allow the soap to set until it is firm. This could take anywhere from 30 minutes to a few hours. When the soap is close to firm, feel free to place the soap in the freezer to speed up the hardening process.
When ready, have the children pop the soap crayons out of the trays.
Bathtub Paints:
- 1/3 cup mild clear Joy dishwashing soap or baby shampoo
- 1 tablespoon cornstarch
- food coloring
Mix cornstarch and liquid soap in bowl.
Pour into ice cube tray, filling about 1/2 full.
Put 4-8 drops of different food coloring colors into each section and mix till blended.
I usually use toothpicks to mix when in the ice cube tray.
Give to the kids and let them at it!
This washes your child, and will wash off the walls too!
I picked these recipes specifically because of the science behind them. I've found that the bubble bath recipes without glycerin don't really bubble up as well. They're usually just shampoo mixed with water. I was also particular about hunting down recipes that had no indication of staining as I just got that bathtub perfect, I don't know what I'd do if it was suddenly rainbow colored. Be sure to comment and let me know how you liked the recipes, I know my kids are going to love them.
Bath time themed books (we sometimes read while in the tub, I'm big on reading ask my mom :)):

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